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Past Life Regression Hypnosis Offerings

Higher Soul Consulting


My mission is to help you connect with your Inner and Higher Wisdom, guiding you through life's challenges to find deeper understanding and healing.

Free 15 Min Consult

Summary of My Services

People seek my help for various life issues, from finding their purpose and navigating life changes to healing from trauma and exploring spiritual growth. My approach helps you uncover the roots of your challenges, offering paths to resolution and empowerment.

I provide two main types of services:

Engaging Higher Wisdom

In a single, profound 3-5 hour session, like QHHT & Spirit Guide Consult, we explore your soul's journey with Past Life Regression and then connect with your Higher Self and Spirit Guide to uncover information and sources of your life experiences. These sessions offer insights and can help you with this life’s challenges.  As human consciousness is evolving, Past Life sessions have expanded to include not just past lives but also glimpses into current, future, parallel lives, extraterrestrial existences, and other unimaginable dimensions. This single session exploration is tailored to lead you to the "most appropriate time and place," facilitating a profound and enlightening experience.

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Engaging Inner Wisdom

Through customized, muliple sessions, like Regression Therapy, Inner Child Work, and Parts Therapy, I help you explore your psyche, addressing emotional wounds and fostering self-understanding.

My practice is dedicated to guiding you through the intricate landscapes of your mind and spirit, unlocking the doors to personal and spiritual enlightenment. By exploring both your Inner and Higher Wisdom, we can unlock transformative growth and healing, tailored to your unique journey.

Much more detail on my offerings below.  Questions about your specific situation,
please reach out or book a 15 min consult.

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Do Any of These 12 Life Scenarios Resonate with You?

Are you looking for clarity, healing, or a deeper sense of understanding in your life? Life is complex, often leaving us seeking answers and insight.

I wonder if any of these 12 scenarios resonate with your life experience? If you find a reflection of your journey in them, I invite you to get in touch with me. Let's discuss how hypnosis can aid your path to discovery and healing.
Contact me, and together we can uncover the transformative journey that awaits you.

A blue building with a wooden door and windows


Seeking your Life's Purpose?

Are you constantly asking yourself, "What is my true calling?" You're not alone. Discover how your natural talents and gifts can lead to a fulfilling life path, free from the shackles of limiting beliefs and emotional stagnation.


Feeling Overwhelmed by Life's Challenges?

Life throws challenges our way—sometimes without warning. Whether they stem from past lives or today's trials, I will help you uncover the source of these obstacles, transforming them into stepping stones for personal growth and healing. 


Struggling with Unexplained Physical Symptoms?

When physical ailments persist without clear reasons, the root may lie deeper within. Explore the spiritual or emotional origins of your health issues, and go on a path to lasting wellness that harmonizes body, mind, and spirit.


Caught in Complex Relationships?

Ever wonder why certain relationships feel destined or challenging? Uncover the karmic or spiritual lessons behind these connections, turning them into catalysts for overcoming personal limitations and fostering your evolution.


Paralyzed by Fears and Blockages?

Face your deepest fears and blockages head-on. Whether their origins are spiritual or learned, our hypnosis practice offers strategies to liberate you, fostering a life of freedom and progress.


Seeking a Spiritual Awakening?

If spiritual growth and a deeper connection with your higher self are what you seek, my sessions provide the roadmap. Transcend limiting beliefs and enhance your spiritual journey with my guided hypnosis practice.


Traumatized by Past Experiences?

Address the impact of traumatic experiences, whether from this life or past lives, and engage in a healing process that transforms pain into strength, facilitating emotional release and recovery.


Facing Difficult or Life Changes?

Seek divine guidance for navigating life’s decisions and challenges, connecting with your higher self or spiritual guides for clear, direct insights, helping you embrace your future with confidence.


Battling Addictions or Seeking a Fresh Start?

Tackle the root causes of addictive behaviors with a holistic approach to recovery, exploring emotional and spiritual healing paths for sustainable freedom and a new beginning.


Looking to Unleash Your Creative and Performance Potential?

Boost your creativity and performance by overcoming mental and emotional blocks, tapping into your innate talents, and expressing your true self with confidence and passion.


Searching for Meaning in Life's Hardships?

Life’s challenges are laden with lessons. Together, we can decipher these messages, enabling you to navigate life's maze with newfound clarity and purpose.


Overcome by Stress, Anxiety, or Depression?

Find relief from the burdens of stress, anxiety, and depression, discovering new paths to peace and well-being through understanding and healing the underlying causes.

The owner of Higher Soul Consulting Jeff

If any of these scenarios strike a chord with you, know that you are not alone in your journey. Whether you're seeking clarity on your life's purpose, looking to heal from past traumas, or aspiring to grow spiritually and emotionally, I am here to guide you through. If you see yourself in any of these stories, I invite you to reach out and connect. Let's explore together how we can unlock the healing and transformation you deserve.

Continue reading to discover more about how my services can be the catalyst for your journey toward a more fulfilled and authentic life.

QHHT Los Angeles Higher Soul Consulting

Hypnosis Services

At the heart of my practice is a fundamental belief: for profound self-discovery and healing in response to life’s challenges, connecting with higher and inner wisdom is key. These powerful allies seem to have so many of the answers we seek. With my guidance during your hypnosis session, you can uncover the insights and resolutions you are looking for, facilitating a journey of true transformation.

The totality of my services fall under the two categories Engaging your Higher Wisdom and Engaging Your Inner Wisdom.  You are welcome to
choose and schedule your session or connect with me for more information.


Engage Your Higher Wisdom

For those seeking to discover past lives and connect with higher beings for guidance, in a single session. Click each offering to learn more. 

Duration: 1 session, 3-5 hours

Cost Range: $300 to $600 flat rate

See Scheduling for full price list.

Past Life Regression

Journey into your soul’s past to uncover previous lives and their impact on your current life, revealing patterns and lessons that aid in your personal growth and healing. 

Learn more

Spirit Guide Consult

Connect with your spirit guide for personalized wisdom and insights. This session often includes aspects of past life regression, deepening your understanding of your spiritual journey. Learn more

Beyond Quantum Healing (BQH)

Experience a personalized, flexible approach to hypnosis that adapts to your needs, allowing a comprehensive exploration of your spiritual landscape, accessible both in-person and online.


Dive deep into your Higher Self's wisdom with this in-person session. Access past lives and consult with your higher self to receive guidance for present challenges and transformative growth.

Learn more

Spirit World
(In between lives)

As explored in Dolores Cannon's book, Between Death and Life you can go to  the space between incarnations, accessing the Akashic Records and consulting with the Council of Elders to discover your soul's purpose and the lessons it carries through lifetimes.

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These are advanced techniques used by some of the most prominent figures in hypnosis including Dolores Cannon, Brian Weiss and Michael Newton.


Engage Your Inner Wisdom

Through tailored sessions, I help you delve into the recesses of your psyche, unlocking the doors to self-understanding and emotional healing.  This category requires a free 15 min consult, 2 hour first session and then 1.15 hours each additional session.  Learn more or book a consult

Duration: 3-5 sessions (3-5 weeks), approximately 1.15 hours each

Cost Range: $150 to 220 per hour depending on the complexity of the challenges

Regression Therapy

Explore the corridors of your past to uncover hidden memories and patterns influencing your present. Together, we'll journey through your life’s timeline, revealing insights that pave the way for healing and understanding.

Parts Therapy

Engage with the myriad aspects of your being, from the Child to the Protector and beyond. This exploration helps harmonize your internal world, resolving conflicts and embracing a more integrated self.

Guided Imagery

Enter a state of deep relaxation, where you can converse with your subconscious, unveiling the narratives that shape your life. This dialogue with your inner self illuminates paths to resolution and growth.

Inner Child 

Unlock the profound emotional reservoir of your inner child. This journey not only heals childhood wounds but also rekindles your innate joy and creativity, fostering a renewed sense of self.

Body Wisdom 

Developed by Paul Aurand MHt. Initiate a dialogue with your body to discover root causes of your condition, which will naturally makes it much easier to resolve.

Real Life Case Studies In My Practice

Published with permission

Below are 6 case studies from real clients.  Each case study illustrates the unique journey of an individual who sought to overcome personal challenges, from emotional blockages and life transitions to spiritual awakenings and self-discovery. Through techniques like QHHT and Inner Wisdom therapies, these narratives offer a glimpse into the profound impact of connecting with one's deeper self and higher wisdom.

Case Study 1: Enhancing Creativity through Spirit Guide Consult

(Higher Wisdom)

Challenge: Derek, a 50-year-old writer, faced a severe creative block, struggling to complete his novel.

Service: In a Spirit Guide Consult session, Derek connected with his spirit guides to uncover the spiritual roots of his creative impasse.  We spoke with 8 of them lol.

Number of sessions: 1

Result: The session unleashed a surge of inspiration and guidance, allowing Derek to overcome his block and finish his novel with renewed vigor. He reported a deeper connection with his creativity, often consulting his spirit guides, by quieting his mind, in his writing process.

Case Study 2: Overcoming that 'not-belonging' feeling.

(Higher Wisdom)

Challenge: Brian, a 29-year-old in healthcare, was consumed by a 'not belonging in this world' feeling. He struggled every day and in every part of life.

Service: We chose Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) to access his subconscious mind and understand the root causes of these feelings

Number of sessions: 1

Result: Brian found himself on a planet in another dimension.  We learned he is not from Earth and infact, he has never been here before. He is a volunteer for the spiritual expansion of Earth.  His journey helped him discover his purpose in this life and what he is supposed to do.

Case Study 3:  Transforming Self-Perception with QHHT

(Higher Wisdom)

Challenge: Andrea, a 36-year-old graphic designer, struggled with low self-esteem and chronic anxiety, which affected her work and personal relationships.

Service: We chose Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) to access Andrea’s subconscious mind to understand the root causes of her emotional challenges.

Number of sessions: 1

Result: The QHHT session provided Andrea with profound insights into her past life experience, which was influencing her current self-perception and anxiety. She discovered strengths she was unaware of, leading to a significant shift in how she viewed herself.  She even reclaimed those gifts!  Post-session, Andrea reported a dramatic reduction in anxiety and a boost in confidence, positively impacting her career and social interactions.

Case Study 4: Finding Peace Through Inner Child Work

(Inner Wisdom)

Challenge: Sarah, a 35-year-old marketing executive, struggled with severe anxiety and self-doubt stemming from her tumultuous childhood. Despite her successful career, she felt unfulfilled and insecure.

Number of sessions: 6

Service: We agreed on a series of Inner Child work sessions. Through guided hypnotherapy, Sarah connected with her younger self, addressing the emotional wounds of her past.

Result: Sarah's journey led to significant emotional healing. She reported feeling more at peace, confident in her decisions, and found a renewed sense of joy in her personal and professional life. Her anxiety diminished significantly, allowing her to embrace life's challenges with resilience and positivity.

Case Study 5: Overcoming Grief with Regression Therapy

(Inner Wisdom)

Challenge: Tom, a 62-year-old widower, was consumed by grief and loneliness after losing his wife. He struggled to find meaning in life after the death of his wife and was haunted by unresolved emotions.

Number of sessions: 4

Service: In our sessions, we used Regression Therapy to explore Tom's past experiences in this life, uncovering and processing the deep-seated emotions related to his loss.

Result: Tom experienced a profound sense of release and closure. He began to heal from his grief, finding ways to cherish his memories while moving forward with hope and clarity. His journey helped him rediscover his purpose and passion for life.

Case Study 6: Healing from Chronic Pain with Guided Imagery

(Inner Wisdom)

Challenge: Alex, a 40-year-old programmer, suffered from chronic back pain that medical treatments failed to alleviate.

Number of sessions: 3

Service: We used Guided Imagery and Visualization to explore the emotional and psychological factors contributing to his pain.  He met his inner healer, visited a healing center and gain significant wisdom about his pain.

Result: Alex discovered unresolved stress and emotional burden were exacerbating his physical condition. Post-therapy, he experienced significant pain relief and learned stress management techniques, improving his overall quality of life and productivity.

A chalk drawing of a light bulb with question marks around it

What happens in a series of Inner Wisdom Hypnosis Sessions?


While Higher Wisdom sessions usually span 3-5 hours in a single day, Inner Wisdom sessions span about 1.15 hours each, over the course of several weeks.  The first session is always 2 hours.

Each session is designed to be interactive and tailored to your specific needs and goals.  This is not traditional hypnosis where you are silent and take in suggestions.  It is much more interactive and you play a key role in the sessions. Here's an overview of what may occur during these sessions.  Note that the series of sessions depends on your needs.  You may need 3 or more.  I have had clients who just need a few sessions while others have been with me for some time.

Session 1: Introduction and Assessment

In the first session, we will begin by discussing your goals, concerns, and expectations.  This first session is about 2 hours. I'll gather information about your personal history, any specific issues you'd like to address, and your experiences with hypnosis, if any.  In the second half of the session I will conduct your first session to help you get acquainted with hypnosis, establish your intentions and goals and introduce you to 'Your Place'. This session sets the foundation for our work together.

Session 2: Inner Wisdom Exploration

During this session, we will focus on accessing your inner wisdom. Through guided imagery and relaxation techniques, we will help you connect with your wise one, higher self or guide. You may experience a sense of clarity, insight, and inner guidance. This session aims to deepen your connection with your inner wisdom.

Session 3: Parts Therapy

In the third session, we may explore the concept of "parts" within your psyche. We'll identify and work with various parts of your personality that may have conflicting desires or beliefs. By facilitating communication and resolution between these parts, we can promote inner harmony and self-acceptance.

Session 4: Therapeutic Imagery and Regression

During this session, we may use therapeutic imagery to address specific issues or challenges you've identified. This could involve guided journeys or visualizations to access and heal past memories or traumas. Regression therapy may also be used to explore earlier stages of your life for insights and healing.

Session 5: Meeting Spirit Guides or Higher Self

In the final session, we will create a safe and sacred space for you to meet and communicate with any spiritual guides or your higher self that may be present. This experience can provide profound insights, guidance, and a sense of connection to a higher consciousness.

Throughout these sessions, you can expect a collaborative and interactive process. I will guide you through each step, providing support and facilitating your experience. Your active participation and openness are encouraged as it enhances the effectiveness of transpersonal hypnosis.  I am 100% non-judgemental.  Unconditional love and support are a core part of my hypnosis practice. I will never ever judge you for what has happened to you, or for what you think, say or feel.

Please keep in mind that the specific content and experiences of each session will vary based on your unique needs and responses. The primary goal of these sessions is to help you achieve your therapeutic objectives, gain insights, and promote healing and personal growth.


For profound self-discovery and healing connect to your Higher and  Inner Wisdom.

Questions that you may want to ask your Higher Wisdom in a QHHT®and Spirit Guide Consultation session.

A dolphin is swimming in the ocean at night.

In my single session Higher Wisdom hypnosis sessions, QHHT®, Spirit Guide Consultation & Spirit World Exploration you get access to your Higher Self, Spirit Guides and Council of Elders among others (see below for a comprehensive list).  These Higher Wisdom entities can answer many questions. Here are 10 great questions to use in your session. 

  • "What is my true purpose or mission in this lifetime? How can I align more closely with it?"

  • "In my current life I am facing _(fill in blank)_ (challenges/opportunities/feelings/health issues/etc.). What is the purpose or lesson in this?  Are there past lives, or other existences  that are impacting my current life? If so, what lessons or experiences from those lives are important for me to understand?"

  • "Is there a deeper emotional or spiritual reason for any of my physical health issues? List the specific issues you are facing. How can I address these underlying causes?"

  • "What are the karmic or spiritual purposes of my significant relationships with _(fill in the blank)_ (list the person/people in your life you wish to explore)? How can these relationships support my growth and learning?"

  • "I seem to have _(fill in the blank)_ talent/gifts. How can they best serve me in this life? Am I in the right career? Should I make a career change?"

  • "I have _(fill in the blank)_ ( list the anxiety/fear/phobia/blockage). What are the root causes of my fears or blockages? Are they spiritual or learned in this lifetime? How can I overcome these to move forward more freely?"

  • "I am going through _(fill in the blank)_ (be specific) trauma. What is the purpose or lesson of this?  Is this from a past life or this life? Are there unresolved emotional traumas or issues from this life or past lives that I need to address for healing?"

  • "What steps can I take to further my spiritual development or enhance my connection to my higher self?"

  • "I am experiencing _(fill in the blank)_ (be specific) challenges in this lifetime. What am I supposed to learn from them? What other key lessons or challenges I am meant to experience in this lifetime? How can I navigate them more effectively?"

  • "I am going through _(fill in the blank)_. What guidance can my higher self or spiritual guides offer me right now for this current life situation or other decisions I'm facing?"

You can find even more questions here!


Inner and Higher Wisdom Explained

In hypnotherapy, we delve into the mind's profound landscapes, exploring the personal depths of Inner Wisdom and the expansive realms of Higher Wisdom. These journeys help us understand ourselves and our place in the universe, guiding us toward spiritual growth and deeper awareness.  During your session we can access any of these aspects and beings.

It is a painting of a blue ocean with clouds in the sky.

Higher Wisdom

Higher Wisdom goes beyond our individual experience, linking us to the broader, universal forces and spiritual dimensions. It helps us see the bigger picture of our lives, connecting with spiritual guides, understanding our soul's journey, and accessing universal truths that guide our path forward.

Universal and Cosmic Connections

  • Higher Wisdom: Ultimate truth and knowledge.
  • Universal Consciousness, The Source of All Things: The fundamental energy or force that underlies and connects all of existence.
  • Mother Earth: Represents the spirit or consciousness of our planet.

Individual Soul Evolution

  • Soul: The individual's essence or spiritual self.
  • Higher Self: The most evolved version of oneself, offering guidance and wisdom.
  • Higher Soul: An advanced state of the soul, encompassing broader spiritual awareness.
  • Over Soul: The collective aspect of one’s soul that transcends individual lifetimes.

Expanded Consciousness States

  • Subconscious: Part of the mind that operates below the level of conscious awareness.
  • Superconscious: A state of consciousness that transcends the individual's normal conscious awareness.

Spiritual Guides and Helpers

  • Primary Guide: The main spiritual entity that guides an individual.
  • Guides: Spiritual entities that provide guidance and support.
  • Loved Ones: Deceased family members or friends who provide comfort and guidance.
  • Wise Beings: Entities that offer profound wisdom and insight.
  • Angel Guides: Including Guardian Angel, Archangels, and other angelic beings who protect and guide.

Soul Connections

  • Soul friends: Individuals with whom one shares a deep spiritual bond.
  • Soulmates: People with whom one has a strong, often spiritual connection.
  • Soul groups: Groups of souls with whom one shares common goals and spiritual lessons.
  • Souls from other soul groups: Connections with souls outside one's primary group for learning or interaction.

Cosmic and Intergalactic Entities

  • Council of Elders: A group of wise beings who oversee the soul’s progress.
  • Incarnated beings in other worlds/planets: Entities living on other planets who may interact with or guide humans.
  • ET family, ET visitors, ET contacts: Extraterrestrial beings with whom one has connections or interactions.

Spiritual and Mythical Beings

  • Other Beings: Various entities in the spiritual realm not classified elsewhere.
  • Light Counsel: A collective of beings of light offering guidance and wisdom.
  • Ascended Masters: Enlightened beings who have mastered the physical plane and now assist others.
  • Fairies and Elementals: Nature spirits and entities connected with the elements of earth, air, fire, water.

Spiritual Assistance and Communication

  • Animal guide: Spirit animals that offer guidance and insight.
  • Deceased family members: Loved ones who have passed on but continue to offer love and guidance.
  • Other energy collectives: Groups of spiritual entities working towards common goals.
  • Teachers: Beings that instruct and facilitate learning on a spiritual level.
It is a painting of waves in the ocean.

Inner Wisdom

Inner Wisdom is the foundation of our self-awareness and emotional health. It involves exploring the different parts of our inner selves, such as our emotions, thoughts, memories, and beliefs. This exploration helps us heal past wounds, make better decisions, and understand our true desires and motivations.

 Inner Child Aspect

  • Inner Child Aspect: Core self; experiences and emotions from childhood.
  • Wounded Child: Represents past traumas and hurt experienced in childhood.
  • Wonder Child: Represents the joyful, curious, and adventurous part of one's inner child.
  • Unloved One: Part that feels neglected or unloved.

Inner Adult Aspect

  • Inner Adult Aspect: Rational, decision-making part of the psyche.
  • Responsible One: The part that takes care of duties and responsibilities.
  • Controller: Manages control over emotions and actions to maintain order.

Inner Parent Aspect

  • Inner Parent Aspect: Nurturing and guiding part, offering protection and care.
  • Protector: Defends against emotional harm and perceived threats.

Physical Aspect

  • Physical Aspect: Pertains to the physical body and its sensations.
  • Pain: Physical suffering or discomfort.
  • Diseases: Physical illnesses or ailments.

Intellectual Aspect

  • Intellectual Aspect: Cognitive and analytical part of the mind.
  • Mental Mind: Center of thought processes, logic, and reasoning.
  • Skeptic: Questions and analyzes beliefs and experiences.

Emotional Aspect

  • Emotional Aspect: Center of emotions and feelings.
  • Anxious One: Represents anxiety and worry.
  • Emotions (anger, fear): Specific emotional responses to stimuli.

Spiritual Aspect

  • Spiritual Aspect: Relates to the soul, inner purpose, and connection to the universe.
  • Soul: The spiritual or eternal part of an individual.
  • Heart Shield: Protects emotional and spiritual vulnerabilities.

Shadow Aspects

  • Shadow Aspects: Parts of the psyche that are often denied or suppressed.
  • Inner Critic: Critical voice that often undermines self-esteem.
  • Pleaser: Seeks approval and avoids conflict.
  • Perfectionist: Strives for flawlessness and sets high standards.
  • Addict: Represents addictive behaviors or thought patterns.

Miscellaneous Aspects

  • Procrastinator: Delays or postpones tasks.
  • Ego: The self, especially contrasted with another self or the world.
  • Conscious Mind: Part of the mind that is aware of thoughts and feelings.
  • Traumas: Psychological wounds stemming from distressing experiences.






Earthly Lives

Experiences from this life and past incarnations on Earth reveal patterns, karma, and life lessons.


Alternate Realities

Lives in parallel universes and dimensions beyond our understanding, providing unique perspectives and spiritual lessons.


Non-Human Experiences

Experiences as plants, animals, or minerals, exploring various consciousness forms and survival instincts within ecosystems.


Cosmic and Extraterrestrial Lives

Incarnations on other planets and in alien cultures, expanding understanding of diverse environments and cosmic consciousness.


Spiritual and Source Connections

  • Existences in the spiritual realm and direct connections with the universal source, focusing on soul healing, learning, and planning.


People often turn to hypnosis when they're feeling stuck or troubled in ways that are hard to overcome by themselves. Here’s why they might seek out this kind of help:

Stuck Emotions: Imagine having emotions like sadness, anger, or fear that just won't go away, no matter what you try. These feelings are like old, stuck energy inside you, not moving or changing. Hypnosis can help by going deep into your mind, finding out where these feelings come from, and helping to let them go. It’s like cleaning out an old closet, getting rid of things you don’t need anymore so you can feel lighter and more at ease.

Limiting Beliefs: Sometimes, without even realizing it, we tell ourselves things like “I can’t do this” or “I’m not good enough.” These thoughts are like invisible barriers that keep us from reaching our full potential. During hypnosis, you can discover these hidden thoughts and change them into more positive and helpful beliefs. It's like turning a no-entry road into a wide-open highway, where you can move forward freely.

Survival Strategies: At some point in our lives, we all find ways to cope with tough times, like eating comfort food when we're stressed or avoiding people and situations that make us uncomfortable. But sometimes, these strategies don’t really help us in the long run and can even make things worse. Hypnosis can help you understand why you've adopted these habits and assist in creating new, healthier ways to deal with life’s challenges. It’s like updating an old, outdated map with a new, clearer one that helps you navigate life better.

In essence, hypnosis is a tool that can help you deal with emotional baggage, change negative thinking patterns, and update old habits that aren't working for you anymore. It’s like getting a mental and emotional tune-up to help you feel better and live more fully.

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